Learn more about Middle East Bank, Munich Branch and trading activities in light of EU and US law
What is the legal form of Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
Middle East Bank, Munich Branch is an institution within the meaning of Section 53 (1) KWG
How is Middle East Bank, Munich Branch regulated?
As a foreign branch within the meaning of Section 53 (1) KWG, Middle East Bank, Munich Branch is supervised by BaFin and the Bundesbank and is subject to all requirements imposed on German banks
What is the legal form of the Middle East Bank in Tehran?
Middle East Bank Tehran is a PJSC (public joint stock company)
What are the business hours of Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
The bank maintains the business operations required for the execution of payment transactions on all banking days. On these days we are available for you Monday – Thursday from 09:00 – 17:00 and on Friday from 09:00 – 16:00.
Please note that the cut-off times for payments may differ from business hours. These can be found in our current list of prices and services.
Are currency conversion or cash services available?
No, Middle East Bank, Munich Branch does not offer currency conversion or cash services.
Which transactions does Middle East Bank, Munich Branch support?
All transactions for business clients in the humanitarian sector. This mainly includes staple foods, agricultural products, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and anything closely related.
Does Middle East Bank, Munich Branch support transactions for renewable energy in Iran?
We examine each case individually and the decision depends on various factors. Therefore, no general answer can be given.
Which German or European banks accept payments from Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
We work with a number of German/European banks. However, their acceptance is usually case-specific (related to the customer or the transaction), therefore no general information can be given. However, we will be happy to check our options if you send us the relevant information.
Who can I contact to find out whether Middle East Bank, Munich Branch can support my transaction?
Please send an e-mail to our payment transaction specialists: CR@middle-east-bank.de.
Does my company necessarily need an account with Middle East Bank, Munich Branch to receive transactions from Iran?
No, an account is not mandatory to receive transactions from Iran. Middle East Bank, Munich Branch can also offer money remittance services. This depends on the individual case.
To which banks can I send money from/via Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
Technically, Middle East Bank, Munich Branch is connected to SWIFT/T2 and SEPA and can therefore reach all banks that also participate in these systems.
However, all banks that participate in payment transactions have the option of rejecting payments due to internal regulations, so we recommend that you contact the recipient bank before making the payment(s) and clarify their willingness to receive the payment.
We will be happy to answer any questions you and your bank may have about our GWG and compliance review processes.
My bank has declined a transaction from and to Middle East Bank, Munich Branch, who can I contact at Middle East Bank, Munich Branch about this?
Ideally, you should clarify your willingness to accept payments through Middle East Bank, Munich Branch or to make payments to Middle East Bank, Munich Branch with your bank in advance. If you have any questions, please contact us at: CR@middle-east-bank.de.
Can my bank in Iran carry out direct transactions with Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
We maintain a direct account relationship with some Iranian banks. Whether we can work with your bank in Iran requires an individual check.
Is online banking available or how can I send orders to Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
You can send us orders by post, fax or e-mail. Middle East Bank, Munich Branch does not currently offer online banking.
Can I have a private payment forwarded via Middle East Bank, Munich Branch / use Middle East Bank, Munich Branch as a correspondent bank?
No, Middle East Bank, Munich Branch only supports payments for business clients in the humanitarian sector.
Is it possible to make cash deposits and withdrawals at Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
No, Middle East Bank, Munich Branch only offers cashless payments.
I still have funds in other Iranian banks with branches in Germany and the EU. Can I transfer these to Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
This requires a case-by-case assessment. Please send an e-mail to our payment transaction specialists: CR@middle-east-bank.de.
How can I open an account with Middle East Bank, Munich Branch?
We offer accounts exclusively for corporate clients and correspondent banks.
If you are interested in opening an account with us, please send an e-mail to our customer service: CR@middle-east-bank.de.
Can I open a private account?
No, Middle East Bank, Munich Branch only establishes a business relationship with business customers.
Can I receive a daily account statement?
Our customers can determine the frequency with which they receive their account statements. Among other things, there is the option of receiving a daily account statement.
However, this will only be created and sent if there is turnover in the account, so no statements will be sent on days when there is no turnover, even if the account statements are set to be sent daily.
Can I receive the account opening documents in Persian?
The corporate language of Middle East Bank, Munich Branch is German. In addition to the German documents, we also offer an English version; the German version is legally binding.
Can I submit the documents in my national or native language, e.g. Persian?
We only accept documents in German and English. If the documents are only available in the national language and this is neither German nor English, we require a version of the document translated by an official translation agency.
What options do I have to identify myself in accordance with the GWG?
Middle East Bank, Munich Branch uses various options to identify and legitimize persons in accordance with the Money Laundering Act. For this purpose, an appointment can be made at our offices in Munich or the Post- or Video-Ident procedure can be used. In addition, some IHK branch offices worldwide offer identification and legitimization in accordance with the Money Laundering Act.
Please contact our customer service by e-mail at CR@middle-east-bank.de so that we can find the best possible option for you.